How to get better at Rocket League
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Jake Edwards
Rocket League is a tough game. Whether you are struggling to pick up the basics, or are more advanced and stuck at the same rank, this guide will give you something to take away to help you get better at Rocket League.
I'm Jake, an ex-professional player and Coach. From my experience, here are 5 things you need to be doing to help you rank up.
1. Make sure your settings are good
There are a few quick things you can do to set yourself up for success, and that is making sure your settings are in order. First, make sure you're camera settings are adjusted to be similar to pro players. They've put in the hard work figuring out the best settings, and I have a quick guide you can read here if you need help setting it up.
You can also make sure your controller/keyboard settings are all optimal for you. There are plenty of players who do great with the default controls, but the 2 big ones I would recommend is changing your boost button to R1/Rb, and powerslide/air roll to L1/Lb. This might take some getting use to but it makes everything a lot easier once you get the hang of it. You can find my personal settings here if you'd like a more detailed look at my own.
2. Master the basics
There is so much to learn in Rocket League. It can be overwhelming at times seeing just how many fancy mechanics some of the best players out their have. Luckily, you don't need most of them to be a great player. Before getting to Grand Champion, the only things you need to focus on are.
Ground Shots
Being able to hit the ball accurately and with power is the most fundamental thing in Rocket League. Make sure you're comfortable driving at speed, timing your flip correctly, and making contact with the ball every time. You can see my youtube video here if you need more help
Basic Aerials
Being able to hit the ball in the air is the second fundamental in Rocket League. A lot of what you learn from ground shots will help you in the air, however the launch of the ground is the important thing to master. You can see my youtube video here if you're struggling with this.
The last important thing to master for your basics is to be comfortable rotating around the field. Rotations can be confusing, and a lot of people will have different opinions, however the simplest way to think about it is to make sure you're ready for where the ball is about to go.
If your teammate is making a solo play, position for the clear from your opponents, or maybe position closer if you think you can score. If you've just hit the ball and landed in their half, make sure you get back as quick as you can to be ready for the next play. Keep this general principle in mind and it will help simplify rotations for you. I talk about this more here
3. Watch more Rocket League
I know how fun Rocket League can be, and if you have a few hours a day, all you want to do is play the game. That being said, it can be difficult to improve if all you do is play the game. So much can be gained from watching streamers and youtubers to get different ideas to try in your own games. Without it, you'll find it hard to know what you can do to improve.
I would recommend watching at least 30 minutes of Rocket League per day. This can just be a relaxed activity while you eat, just make sure you're getting exposed to new ideas.
Some people I like to watch include the following Pro Players. Don't be afraid if you feel like they're mechanics are too complicated. Just passively taking in their content will help a lot.
4. Try out new stuff in game
Once you're watching more Rocket League and getting some ideas of what you can do to improve, don't be afraid to try it out in game. It can be tempting to jump in to every Rocket League match trying to play your absolute best to win your matches. The problem with this is you won't feel comfortable to try out a new mechanic you're working on in case it doesn't work. It's okay if it doesn't work! Think of playing the game for fun and to improve, and your rank will naturally improve in the process.
5. Play the game daily
Because Rocket League is such a mechanical game, it is important to be practicing daily. Even just 10 minutes in free play a day can go a long way to helping you improve.
Also with all the Rocket League you will now be watching, it is important you play the game as well to absorb those lessons and start transferring them to your own game play.
Goodluck implementing these 5 steps to getting better at Rocket League. Feel free to message me on twitter if you have any questions :)